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  5. 新型コロナウイルス感染症(COVID-19)について >
  6.  新型コロナウイルス感染症と診断された皆様へ(SMS通知を受信された方へ・英語版)
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  3. 感染症対策課  >
  4.  感染症対策班 
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To individuals who received their COVID-19 diagnosis 


This webpage outlines the precautions that should be taken while isolating and recuperating from COVID-19.

(1) Steps to take after being diagnosed with COVID-19 

□ Inform members of your household that: 
・You have been diagnosed with COVID-19.
・As they live with you, they are now considered close contacts and are required to remain at home for a specific amount of time. 
□ Inform your workplace or school of your diagnosis

(2) Isolation and recuperation requirements:

□ If you exhibit no symptoms:
・You are required to isolate and recuperate for 7 days starting from the day after your positive COVID-19 test.
・IF you test negative on the 5th day with the antigen qualitative test kit, you can cancel the medical treatment on the 6th day.You are also required to take your temperature and monitor your condition for 7 days 
Day 0 Day 1 ・・・ Day 7
COVID-19 Test Day Mandatory isolation and recuperation period begins Mandatory isolation and recuperation period continues Mandatory isolation and recuperation period ends
If you do exhibit symptoms:
・You will be required to isolate and recuperate. If your symptoms get better over a 24-hour period (e.g., improved breathing or being able to maintain a normal body temperature without taking medicine), then you will only be required to isolate and recuperate for 7 days starting the day after your symptoms first appeared.
・However, until 10 days have passed, the risk of infection remains. Please take thorough infection prevention actions voluntarily, such as avoiding places with a high risk of infection, avoiding dinners, etc., and wearing a mask.
(Example) Even if your symptoms improve within 24 hours after they first appeared, you are still required to isolate and recuperate for 7 days.
Day 0 Day 1 Day 2 ・・・ Day 7
Symptoms first appear Mandatory isolation and recuperation period begins Mandatory isolation and recuperation period continues (symptoms improve) Mandatory isolation and recuperation period continues Mandatory isolation and recuperation period ends
For more details about the mandatory isolation and recuperation period, please refer to the following document.
〇 You can also confirm how long the mandatory isolation and recuperation period will be on the following website:
(Choose the “I have tested positive for COVID-19” on the 1st question.)
Q & A by Ministry of Health, Labour, and Welfare
Ministry of Health, Labour, and Welfare - “Isolation and Recuperation Guidelines for individuals with COVID-19”(Link to external site) (Japanese only)

(3) Where to isolate and recuperate:

You are asked to isolate and recuperate at home if you are deemed to be at low-risk for severe illness from COVID-19. For more details about isolating and recuperating at home, please continue reading the next section – Isolation and Recuperation Guidelines.
Although the Prefectural Government has secured accommodations for COVID-19 patients, these are reserved for medium to high-risk patients. Exceptions are made for low-risk individuals who live with other people in the same household if they meet any of the following conditions:
Be a designated essential worker working in medical facilities or nursing homes   
Have an underlying condition that combined with COVID-19 could lead to severe illness
Living with anyone over the age of 70 or that is pregnant and experiencing difficulties implementing infection prevention measures. For more information about these facilities, please contact your closest health center.

(4) Isolation and Recuperation Guidelines

Please devote yourself to the medical treatment during the medical treatment period. If you have symptoms and 24 hours have passed since the symptoms subsided, or if you are asymptomatic, go out or interact with people for a short period of time, do not use public transportation when traveling, and do not go out or with people On the premise of thoroughly taking voluntary infection prevention actions such as wearing a mask when interacting with others, it is okay to go out to the minimum extent necessary, such as shopping for groceries.
Focus on recuperating, and do not go outside. Refrain from working at home. Workers in designated industries may also be ordered not to go to work depending on the number of active COVID-19 cases. 
Take your temperature and check your oxygen levels twice a day (※) - once in the morning and once in the evening. Monitor your health.
(※) For more details on how to self-monitor and report your results, please use the form listed below. 
Low-risk patients are expected to monitor their own health and will not receive a phone call from the health center. For individuals who have been assigned a HER-SYS ID, please enter the requested information into HER SYS. 
If your symptoms get worse, please contact the emergency line at the health center. 
You should wear a mask at home and try to limit the time spent together with other household members. 
Regularly sanitize commonly touched surfaces and ventilate your home.
□ Wash laundry with laundry detergent that has surface active agents and thoroughly dry your clothes.
(※) For more details about isolating and recuperating at home, and medical facilities offering COVID-19 treatment, please refer to the following link:

Borrowing Pulse Oximeters and Meal Delivery Service

You can apply for both services using the form below. 
We foresee a high demand for the meal delivery service due to the recent increase in the number of COVID-19 cases. Therefore, please make your own arrangements for meals to be delivered if you can do so. Please note that certain towns and municipalities also provide meal delivery services to their residents. 
(Please contact your local government office for more details on such services) 
[Meal Delivery Service / Pulse Oximeter Application Form] (Japanese only)
(Please carefully review your application before you submit it.)
 【Things to Note】
・Please apply in-person at a health center if you are a high-risk individual or have received a called from a health center. 
・Each member of the household who wishes to use the meal delivery service must submit their own application. 
・If you have already received a pulse oximeter from a medical institution, please do not apply to borrow another one.
There is a limit of one pulse oximeter per household. 
・ The information you provide on the application form may be shared with your municipal government based on Article 44-3 (6) on the Act on the Prevention of Infectious Diseases.
【How to Contact Us】
Home Recuperation Group, Home Recuperation Project Team, Healthcare Division, Mie Prefectural Government
TEL: 059-224-3408       FAX: 059-224-3001

Evacuation in case of storm and flood damage (heavy rain or typhoon)

In order to prevent the spread of infection, it is necessary to avoid contact with others, so please pay close attention to the following points regarding evacuation when damage from heavy rain or typhoons is foreseen.
In addition, we may provide personal information to municipalities and fire departments in order to prepare for disasters, so we ask for your consent.
① Know if your home is a safe place
・Check the dangers around you to see if you are in a flood risk area or sediment disaster warning area.
・Confirm with the hazard map created by each municipality.
 (Please search for “○○ city/town hazard map” on the Internet to confirm.)
 [Example] Flood hazard map / Landslide hazard map
② Decide where to escape in case of disaster
・Please see here for the detail.

If you need to evacuate and it is difficult to evacuate to an accommodation facility,
lease check the information provided by your municipality. [Click here for city and town information]


(5) For family members living together with someone who has COVID-19 (Designated Close Contacts):

In general, living together with someone who has COVID-19 automatically makes you a close contact.
For more details about the isolation rules for close contacts, please refer to the following website.
〇 You can also confirm the required isolation period on the following website:
(Choose the “I am a close contact of someone who has COVID-19” on the 1st question.)

(6) At the end of the mandatory isolation and recuperation period:

□ A health center will not contact you to inform that your required isolation and recuperation period has ended.
□ There is no need to get tested again for COVID-19 or provide a negative test result or submit a Proof of Isolation and Recuperation Certificate to your workplace or school. 
□ A Proof of Isolation and Recuperation Certificate can be issued upon request for insurance claim purposes. Individuals with a HER-SYS ID can view and download the certificate on HER-SYS. For more details, please click here.
 ※ As priority is being given to handling new cases of COVID-19 and assisting those isolating and recuperating, it may take up to two months to issue a Proof of Isolation and Recuperation Certificate. 

If you have questions above the isolation and recuperation rules, please contact the nearest health center. 

Between (8:30 a.m. – 5:15 p.m.)
Kuwana Health Center: 0594-24-3625 (Weekdays)
             0594-24-3671 (Saturdays/National Holidays)
Suzuka Health Center: 059-382-8672
Tsu Health Center: 059-223-5184
Matsusaka Health Center: 0598-50-0531
Ise Health Center: 0596-27-5216
Iga Health Center: 0595-24-8045
Owase Health Center: 0597-23-3454
Kumano Health Center: 0597-89-6115
Yokkaichi City Health Center:059-354-8406
Between 5:15 p.m. – 8:30 a.m. next day
General Inquiries: 059-224-2644
*Nighttime Consultation Hotline: Weekdays/ Saturdays/National Holidays 
Mental Health Phone Consultation Service (9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.)
*Monday – Friday / Japanese only

We unfortunately do not accept personal health questions at the office below. Please contact the health centers listed above if you have a specific health question.

Inquiry about this webpage:
Patient Information Group, Patient Information Project Team, Healthcare Division, Mie Prefectural Government
Mie Prefectural Office 4F, 13 Komei-cho, Tsu City (〒514-8570)
TEL: 059-224-2747     FAX: 059-224-2558
Email: kansenjo@pref.mie.lg.jp


三重県 医療保健部 感染症対策課 感染症対策班 〒514-8570 

