Mie's Industries
Facts about Mie Prefecture's Industries from the data
The industrial structure in Mie (number of workers by industry and industry structure percentages)
Mie Prefecture has active manufacturing industries. The industrial structure in Mie will be introduced here based on the number of employed persons by industry.
When comparing the structure percentages of the number of employed persons in the three industrial sectors in Mie Prefecture with those of Japan overall, the number working in secondary industries in Mie is higher than in Japan as a whole by 8.6%, ranking nationally in fourth place.
According to these data, Mie Prefecture can be said to have active manufacturing industries. Furthermore, comparing with other G7 countries regarding the percentage of those employed in secondary industries, although Japan ranks in third place after Germany and Italy, the percentage in Mie Prefecture is higher than both of these two countries.
* The data for G7 countries are from BLS (2014.2) Labor Force Statistics from the CPS for the USA, and from the ILOSTAT Database (http://www.ilo.org/ilostat) as of November 2014 for Germany, Italy, Japan, France, the UK, and Canada. Accordingly, the percentage of employed persons in secondary industries in Japan indicated above is different from the previously indicated numeral value as the percentage of employed persons in Japan overall. The data for Mie Prefecture are from the 2014 Economic Census for Business Frame.
Data for Mie Prefecture and Japan: 2014 Economic Census for Business Frame
Data for G7 countries: 2015 Databook of International Labor Statistics by the Japan Institute for Labor Policy and Training