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Recent Topics(最近のトピックス)

UL Japan, Inc. held an opening event for Large Mobility Laboratory          

On June 24, 2020, UL Japan, Inc., a leading global safety science company, held an opening event for Large Mobility Laboratory, a new electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) test facility, at the head office in Ise City, Mie Prefecture. Mr. Yamajo, the VP and Managing Director of the company, and Mr. Hashizume, a senior director and general manager of Consumer Technology, Mayor Suzuki of Ise City, and Governor Suzuki of Mie Prefecture attended the ribbon cutting ceremony at the opening event.
In fact, Mr.Yamajo was able to take part in the ribbon cutting and press conference entirely online from Tokyo using digital signage, in order to adapt to a new lifestyle during COVID-19.
Designed to support major transformative vehicle trends such as Connectivity, Autonomous driving, Sharing and Electrification (CASE), UL’s Large Mobility Laboratory will play an important role in maintaining construction site safety through the testing and verification of large-scale equipment, such as construction machinery. It is a great honor to have Japan's first facility here in Mie Prefecture, and we are fully committed to support the company.
UL Japan, Inc. donated 6,000 masks to Mie Prefecture and Ise City, respectively.

株式会社 UL Japanの「大型モビリティ試験棟」内覧会が開催されました

 2020年6月24日に、株式会社 UL Japanの伊勢本社に建設機械、農業機械、バス、トラック等の大型モビリティが利用可能な電波暗室を備えた「大型モビリティ試験棟」が完成し、内覧会が開催されました。当日は、株式会社 UL Japanの山上代表取締役社長、橋爪事業部長とともに、鈴木三重県知事と鈴木伊勢市長も出席し、テープカットを行いました。
 また、当日は、株式会社 UL Japanから三重県と伊勢市に対して、それぞれ、マスク6000枚を寄贈していただきました。 


三重県 雇用経済部 企業誘致推進課 企業誘致班 〒514-8570 

