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  7.  "Histopathological studies on viral nervous necrosis of sevenband grouper
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Histopathological studies on viral nervous necrosis of sevenband grouper

Journal of Fish Diseases 2004, 27(7), 385-399

S Tanaka , M Takagi and T Miyazaki


Viral nervous necrosis (VNN) caused by sevenband grouper nervous necrosis virus (SGNNV) has occurred in grow-out stages (0-3 years old) of sevenband grouper, Epinephelus septemfasciatus, since the 1980s. In the present study, based on histopathological features of the central nervous system (CNS) in naturally diseased fish, pernasal infection experiments using grow-out fish were performed and pernasal infection was established as a putative invasion route of SGNNV. The definite SGNNV-targeted cells were determined by histopathological studies including IFAT and electron microscopy. Nerve cells in the olfactory lobe were most extensively necrotized with vacuolization followed by infiltration of microglia and macrophages. Purkinje cells and Golgi cells were extensively infected in the cerebellum. Megalocells and small nerve cells nuclei were also infected in the preoptic area, thalamus, medulla oblongata and spinal cord. Only a few small nerve cells were infected in the olfactory bulb and optic tectum. The retina of some diseased fish displayed vacuolated cells in bipolar cells of the inner nuclear layer and in the ganglion cell layer. These SGNNV-infected nerve cells displayed viroplasmic inclusions containing virions, vacuoles and myelin-like structures. Based on observed histopathological changes, the lesion of the CNS was characterized by encephalitis but not encephalopathy.




三重県 水産研究所 企画・水産利用研究課 〒517-0404 

