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Geino Cultural Center


Geino Cultural Center

The Geino Cultural Center is located in the northwestern part of Tsu City, and serves as a core facility for health, culture and educational activities. It incorporates a multipurpose hall, a library, an arena, a kendo training hall and training rooms, and serves to promote interaction among residents, cultural enrichment, improved health and lifelong learning.

Convention(Conference) Facilities


Citizen Hall

The citizen hall, with a capacity of 445, is equipped with a stage measuring 13m by 7.8m, and the seats are movable, making the audience space available for other uses as well. There are also large training and conference rooms, in addition to a 156m² local exhibition hall.

Room Area(㎡) Capacity Fee(Yen)
Theater School Hollow Square Buffet Dinner
Citizen Hall 2,792 445         (Weekdays)
9:00~12:00 7,850円
13:00~17:00  10,470
18:00~22:00 11,520
9:00~17:00   20,950
13:00~22:00 24,610
9:00~22:00   35,090

9:00~12:00 10,210
13:00~17:00  13,610
18:00~22:00 14,980
9:00~17:00   27,230
13:00~22:00 32,000
9:00~22:00   45,620
※The use for non-profit purposes. The same shall apply hereinafter.
Large Training Room(whole room)※divisible into 3 rooms 398   120       【Whole Room Use】
9:00~12:00 3,140
13:00~17:00  4,190
18:00~22:00 4,600
9:00~17:00  8,380
13:00~22:00 9,420
9:00~22:00 13,610

9:00~12:00 4,080
13:00~17:00  5,440
18:00~22:00 5,990
9:00~17:00 10,890
13:00~22:00 12,250
9:00~22:00 17,700

【Two thirds of the room】
9:00~12:00 2,200
13:00~17:00  2,930
18:00~22:00 3,240
9:00~17:00  5,860
13:00~22:00 6,600
9:00~22:00 9,530

9:00~12:00 2,860
13:00~17:00 3,810
18:00~22:00 4,220
9:00~17:00 7,620
13:00~22:00  8,580
9:00~22:00 12,390

【One thirds of the room】
9:00~12:00 1,570
13:00~17:00  2,090
18:00~22:00 2,300
9:00~17:00  4,190
13:00~22:00 4,710
9:00~22:00 6,800

9:00~12:00 2,040
13:00~17:00  2,720
18:00~22:00 2,990
9:00~17:00  5,440
13:00~22:00 6,120
9:00~22:00 8,850
Conference Room 33         16 (Holidays)
9:00~12:00 1,570
13:00~17:00 2,090
18:00~21:30 2,300
9:00~17:00 3,660
13:00~21:30 4,390
9:00~21:30 5,960


 Operating hours for convention facilities: 9:00~22:00 ※Conference Room:9:00~21:30
  Closed: Tuesdays(If Tuesday is a National Holiday, the center is closed the following day instead), December 28 to January 4
  Reservation start date: 6 months in advance, from the first day of the month
ワイファイアイコン Wi-Fi Areas: N/A
 30 min. by bus from Kintetsu/JR/Ise Railway Tsu Station
 5 min. drive from Geino Exit of Ise Expressway
駐車場アイコン 266 standard-sized cars (free parking)
 6824 Mukumoto, Geino-cho, Tsu-city, Mie 514-2211
  TEL +81-59-265-6000 FAX +81-59-265-6003
  Email 266-2510@city.tsu.lg.jp
  URL Click here  ※Japanese only


三重県 観光部 海外誘客課 MICE・高付加価値観光班 〒514-8570 

