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Palau Government Buildings (as of 2008)



・Office of the President

 The Office of the President is located on a small hill. Inside potraits of former presidents are on display. The office may seem small on the outside, but it’s quite large inside. spacious.


・Vice President's Office / Ministry of Administration

 This building is located in the government district where other ministry buildings and the National Congress can be found.


・National Congress

 The flags of each state were displayed out front. Each state has its own set of laws.



・Ministry of State - Human Resources Office

 There were many job notices for government positions displayed inside.


・Ministry of Education

 Our base of operations was located in a meeting room here. The Minister of Education’s office is located on the first floor of the right wing.


・Library next to Ministry of Education

 This building has just been constructred.

It houses books donated by the Yokkaichi Lions club.


・National government office in Ngchesar State

 Each state has one of these offices. Administrative officers and secretaries work here.


・ Governor’s Office in Sonsorol State

 The governor’s office was located in this apartment building which also served as  his residence.  There was no signs to indicate that this was his office.


・Palau Election Commission

 Located near the Office of the President. It can get really crowded with people during election period.


・Supreme Court of Palau

 Although we did not get a chance to hear about law in Palau, we did manage to get a picture of the Supreme Court as it was right next to the Ministry of Education. Most lawyers in Palau are American expats, but recently a young Palauan woman became a judge on the Supreme Court.


・Palau Community College

 Located close to our accommodations. The Micronesian education conference was held here.


・Palau International Coral Reef Center

 This center was built with the financial assistance of JICA.  When we were there, they were busy preparaing for the opening of the aquarium inside.


・Palau International Airport


・Yap Island International Airport

 Stopover at Yap Island on the way to Palau via Guam. Many tourists get off here to go diving.


三重県 政策企画部 国際戦略課 〒514-8570 

