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  6. 自動車税種別割 >
  7.  Outline of Automobile Tax (Category-based) [English]
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  2.  総務部  >
  3. 税務企画課
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Outline of Automobile Tax (Category-based) [English]

○What is Automobile Tax (Category-based)?

 This is a prefectural tax levied on vehicle owners who are registered with the Transport Bureau on April
 1st of the given year.
○How much is the Automobile Tax (Category-based)?
 The annual amount of tax is calculated in accordance with the vehicle type, purpose of use, total emission
 quantity and maximum loading capacity of the vehicle.
 The amount of tax will be lower for vehicles which pose a lesser burden on the environment due to lower
 emissions and higher fuel efficiency. The Automobile Tax will be reduced for the first year of a new
 registration and the normal tax amount will be levied from the next year on.
 The amount of tax will be higher for vehicles which have passed a certain number of years from the date
 of the first registration (11 years for diesel cars, 13 years for gasoline cars or LPG cars).
○How do you pay?
 After receipt of a “vehicle tax notification form”, which is usually sent from the Motor Vehicle Taxation
 Office in early May each year, you must pay the tax before the deadline of May 31st.
 Please take the notification form to your local bank, post office, convenience store, or supermarket with   
   an MMK terminal to pay the tax. You can also pay online using a credit card or with apps for smartphones.
○What happens if you miss the deadline?
 If you don’t pay by the deadline, you will be charged a "late payment fee".
 In accordance with the law, if you fail to pay even after receiving the late payment notice, assets such as
 your salary, savings, motor vehicles, and real estate may be seized. Your house may also be searched
 during the seizure process.
What kind of procedures are necessary in the following cases?
・When you sell or transfer your vehicle to a person:
  Change the name your vehicle is registered under at the Transport Bureau. If you fail to do so, you may
  be liable to pay tax even though you no longer own the vehicle.
・When you change your address:
  A tax notice will be sent to the owner's address as listed on the vehicle inspection certificate. If you
  move, please ask the Transport Bureau to change your address.
・When you no longer use your vehicle:
  Please cancel your vehicle registration at the Transport Bureau. If you fail to do so, you may be liable to
  pay tax on your unused vehicle.
○Can the Automobile Tax be reduced?
 There is a Automobile tax reduction and exemption system in place for vehicles owned and used by people
 with physical disabilities or other disabilities.
 For more information, please contact the Prefectural Taxation Office or the Motor Vehicle Taxation Office.
Contact information regarding Automobile taxes】
 Kuwana Prefectural Taxation Office  TEL 0594-24-3612
  5-71 Chuo-cho, Kuwana City 〒511-8567
 Yokkaichi Prefectural Taxation Office  TEL 059-352-0575
  4-21-5 Shinsho, Yokkaichi City 〒510-8511
 Suzuka Prefectural Taxation Office  TEL 059-382-8660
  5-117 Nishijo, Suzuka City 〒513-0809
 Tsu Prefectural Taxation Office  TEL 059-223-5020
  3-446-34 Sakurabashi, Tsu City 〒514-8567
 Matsusaka Prefectural Taxation Office  TEL 0598-50-0510
  138 Takamachi, Matsusaka City 〒515-0011
 Ise Prefectural Taxation Office  TEL 0596-27-5127
  628-2 Seita-cho, Ise City 〒516-8566
 Iga Prefectural Taxation Office  TEL 0595-24-8020
  2802 Shijuku-cho, Iga City 〒518-8533
 Kishu Prefectural Taxation Office  TEL 0597-23-3417
  1-1 Sakabanishimachi, Owase City 〒519-3695
 Mie Prefectural Motor Vehicle Taxation Office  TEL 059-253-8057
  1190-1 Kumozunagatsune-cho, Tsu City 〒514-0303

Contact information regarding registration procedures for vehicles】
 Chubu District Transport Bureau, Mie Branch  TEL 050-5540-2055
 * Our staff speaks Japanese. If you cannot speak Japanese, please come with someone who can help
  translate for you.


三重県 総務部 税務企画課 〒514-8570 

