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Multilingual Versions of Mie Prefecture Evacuation Sites Map 【English】三重県多言語避難所マップ
~ To protect the lives of yourself and your family ~

A lot of disasters, such as typhoons, heavy rains, and earthquakes, occur every year. It is difficult to obtain information in a foreign language when a disaster occurs.
Mie Prefecture has summarized on this page about the disasters and what to do when a disaster occurs. Let’s check it so that we can take proper action without panicking when it occurs.
In addition, we have translated it into 6 languages1 so that foreigners living in Mie Prefecture can easily understand it. Check the link (URL) at the bottom of the page.

※1 6 languages include: Portuguese, Chinese, Filipino, Vietnamese, Spanish and English


Types of disaster

○ “Jishin” Earthquakes
○ “Tsunami” Tsunamis
○ “Kouzui” Floods (the water level of the river fills up due to heavy rain and causes water to flood houses and streets)
○“Dosha Saigai” Landslides (Debris flows2, landslips3 or rock falls4 due to heavy rain or earthquake)
○ “Naisui Hanran” Inland water floods (the drainage system fills up due to heavy rain and causes water to flood houses and streets)
○ “Taka Shio” Storm surges (The sea water becomes very high due to strong wind and low atmospheric pressure. Usually occurs before typhoon)
○ “Daikibona Kaji” Large-scale fires (big fires)
○ “Kazan Funka” Volcanic Eruptions

2 Debris flow:   The soil or stones of mountains and rivers which are washed away at once when it rains heavily.
3 Landslide:   The ground which slides slowly and moves due to groundwater affects the slippery layer such as clay.
※4 Rock fall:  The slopes of mountain and cliffs (where it inclines vertically) which collapse and fall due to heavy rain
Floods/Inland water floods Debris flows Tsunamis/Storm surges Landslide Large-scale fires
Floods /
Inland water
Debris flows Tsunamis /
Storm surges
Landslide /
Rock falls

What is an Evacuation Site or Evacuation Center?

A “Hinan Basho” (Designated Emergency Evacuation Site) (abbr.: Evacuation Site) is a place where you can evacuate immediately in the event of a disaster such as an earthquake, heavy rain, or flood. Some evacuation sites also serve as “Hinanjo” (Designated Evacuation Center) (abbr.: Evacuation Center).

“Shitei Kinkyuu Hinan Basho” (Designated Emergency Evacuation Site) (abbr.: Evacuation Site) or Temporary Evacuation Site
A place where you can evacuate immediately when a disaster occurs, such as an earthquake, heavy rain or flood.
“Hinan Basho”
Evacuation Site
“Tsunami Hinan Basho”
Evacuation Site
in case of Tsunami
“Tsunami Hinan Biru”
Evacuation Building
in case of Tsunami

“Shitei Hinanjo” Designated Evacuation Center (abbr.: Evacuation Center) or Long-term Evacuation Site
A place used by people who are unable to return home, who have suffered or may suffer damages due to a disaster such as an earthquake, heavy rain or flood. They can stay at this place until it is safe enough to return home. In general, public facilities such as Elementary/ Junior High Schools or Community Centers are designated as evacuation sites.
An Evacuation Center is a “place to spend time”, not a “place to live”. It is not a hotel or an inn (ryokan).
避難所(建物)(JIS Z8210)
Hinanjo (Evacuation Center)

At the bottom of this page, there is a list of Evacuation Sites and Evacuation Centers for cities and towns in Mie Prefecture. You can find the facilities near your house, school or your work place. Please check the list.


If an earthquake occurs…

Even if an earthquake occurs, do not panic and act calmly.
3 seconds It’s an earthquake! ・Stay calm! Protect yourself!
3 minutes Earthquake has stopped ・Confirm your family’s safety
・Turn on the radio
・Check the sources of fire and close the main
gas valve
・Put your shoes on
・Evacuate from tsunami (reach a high place as fast as possible)
3 hours Is everybody all right? ・Beware of aftershocks (earthquakes that follow later)
・Join forces with your neighbors to rescue those in need
・Stay clear of concrete block walls and piles of rubble
・Watch out for downed power lines (electric leaks) or gas line leaks
3 days Work within your means, do not over exert yourself. ・Use your own food and water (stockpiled goods at home)
・Place a note in a visible place, stating where you are going when you leave the house
・Gather disaster information (from TV, radio, the internet, etc.)
・Do not enter into collapsed structures

Preparing for a Disaster

Disaster Prevention Weather Information and Alert Level

When there is a possibility of a disaster, The Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) and the municipalities will issue Disaster Prevention Weather Information and Evacuation Instructions. In case of heavy rain, please check the weather forecast or the City Homepage for updated information.

Let’s check the 5 stages of the Alert Level.
Alert Level Resident responses Municipal Responses Information from JMA
5 A disaster has occurred. Please take the best immediate action for self-protection. Announce the disaster occurrence information. Announce “Ooame Tokubetsu Keihou” (the heavy rain special warning) and “Hanran Hassei Jouhou” (flood occurrence information.)
4 Evacuate from dangerous places immediately.
Announce evacuation order (emergency) or evacuation advisory.
Announce the “Dosha Saigai Keihou” (landslide/mudslide, sediment disaster warning), “Takashio Keihou” storm surge warning, “Hanran Kiken Jouhou” (flood risk information), etc.
It is very dangerous.
3 People who may need more time to evacuate such as elderly, etc. recommended to evacuate. Others, should start preparing for evacuation. Announce evacuation preparation and the start of evacuation for elderly. Announce “Ooame Keihou” (the heavy rain warning), “Kouzuikeihou” (flood warning) or “Hanran Keikai Jouhou” (inundation warning notice), etc.
2 Check the hazard maps and evacuation site maps of your city for places where a disaster may occur, places to evacuate, evacuation routes and behaviors.   Announce “Ooame Chuuihou” (the heavy rain advisory), “Kouzui Chuuihou” (flood advisory), “Takashio Chuuihou” (storm surge advisory), “Hanran Chuui Jouhou” (inundation advisory notice), etc.
1 There is a risk of a disaster occurs. Check the weather forecast for disaster prevention information and preparations.    
 2022.5.20~ 避難指示で必ず避難!避難勧告は廃止です
       Changes in Emergency Evacuation Information!

Things to be cautious when evacuating

When it rains a lot, check the latest news for the heavy rains or typhoons. Please be sure to check the disaster prevention information from the municipality.
1. The evacuation timing.
Please evacuate to the designated evacuation sites as soon as possible. Tell people nearby to evacuate.
2. To evacuate safely
Follow official instructions (police officers, fire department officers, disaster prevention officers, etc.)
3. Evacuation of children and the elderly
People who may need more time to evacuate such as children, elderly, etc. recommended to evacuate immediately. Assist each other and evacuate.
4. There are lots of risks when you evacuate!
Stay away from cliffs or roads where water flows
5. If you are unable to evacuate
Escape to a nearby high building or a safe place. However, it is dangerous to go outside during heavy rains or storms. Go to a safe place in your house or in the building.

Emergency Supplies (things to be taken with you in an emergency)

Prepare the emergency supplies so that you can take what you need in an emergency. Bring your smartphone, mobile phone and charger. Add other item you deem essential, according to your family needs, especially when you have children, elderly, and people with allergies or chronic diseases)

  (日本語)   (Português)    (Español)   (Filipino)   (中文)   (English)

Stockpiles (things to be kept at home)

Food supply may not be available sufficiently right after the occurrence of a disaster. Prepare daily necessities, such as food, water or medicines for 3 days or more per person. It is convenient to store supplies that has longer expiration dates.
It is also important to get prepared with “Rolling Stock” method, eating items from your stockpile and buying new items to replace them.


Multilingual Apps and Websites

Introducing smartphone apps and websites that are convenient in a disaster. There are 14 languages. Please download it.

●Disaster Management -Cabinet Office Japan
日本語    English    中文(简体)    中文(繁體)    한국어    Español    Português    Tiếng Việt
ภาษาไทย    Bahasa Indonesia    Tagalog    नेपाली भाषा    ភាសាខ្មែរ    မြန်မာ    Монгол хэл


Points for evacuation in a disaster

To protect your life and that of your loved ones, especially when you are in a dangerous place, you should be aware of the following points and also about the infectious diseases.

★1. Evacuation Centers are not the only place that you can evacuate. Keep in mind that homes of family and friends located in safe locations can also be used as a refuge. In this case, it is necessary to communicate with family and friends.

★2. Bring your own supply of masks, disinfectants and thermometers when evacuating.

★3. There is a possibility that evacuation sites that are determined by the city hall may change. Confirm the details on the homepage of the city.

★4. Going outside during the torrential rain is dangerous, even in a car. If you have to stay inside your car, make sure you are not caught in a flood. Check your surroundings and take great care.
●References: Cabinet Office (Disaster Management) & Fire and Disaster Management Agency - “5 Essential Points for Evacuation in Emergencies
 English  日本語   中文(简体)   中文(繁體)  한국어  Español  Português  Tiếng Việt
 ภาษาไทย  Bahasa Indonesia  Tagalog  नेपाली भाषा  ភាសាខ្មែរ  မြန်မာ  Монгол хэл


Evacuation Sites/Centers Map

Here you can find the evacuation sites/centers designated by the municipalities of Mie Prefecture. Confirm the evacuation sites in case of earthquakes, tsunamis or floods.

※The map was created based on the “Designated Emergency Evacuation Sites Data” of the Geospatial Information Authority of Japan (GSI Japan) as posted in October 2020. The information on evacuation sites is updated from time to time in each city/town. Please check the city/town homepage for the latest information.


*"Google Map" is required to see the Evacuation Sites/Centers Map. グラフィカル ユーザー インターフェイス, アプリケーション

自動的に生成された説明 App Store

Related Links

Mie Ken Tagengo Hinanjo Map (にほんご)
Mie Ken Tagengo Hinanjo Map (Português)
Mie Ken Tagengo Hinanjo Map (Español)
Mie Ken Tagengo Hinanjo Map (Filipino)
Mie Ken Tagengo Hinanjo Map (中文)
Mie Ken Tagengo Hinanjo Map (Tiếng Việt Nam)
Mie Ken Tagengo Hinanjo Map (English)

※The Multilingual Versions of Mie Prefecture Evacuation Sites Map is a subsidized project of the Council of Local Authorities for International Relations (CLAIR), and was created by the Mie International Exchange Foundation (MIEF) on behalf of Mie Prefecture.(2021.2.12)


三重県 環境生活部 ダイバーシティ社会推進課 多文化共生班 〒514-0009 
津市羽所町700番地(アスト津3階 みえ県民交流センター内)

